Empowering youth, families and communities with gender affirming services, training and research.


Get Involved / Volunteer

Join our email list to receive news, stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

Like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Give Monthly

By committing a monthly gift to GFP and becoming aPartner in Gender Inclusivity, you are helping to reshape the world in favor of gender and trans inclusivity for future generations. Your monthly contribution as a Partner in Gender Inclusivity allows us to expand and plan for programs and services to advocate for gender inclusivity within communities that need it the most.

For information on how to become a monthly sustainer of our work, please contact Jane Rennert:


Host an Event for Good

Designate GFP as the beneficiary of your fundraiser can be a fun and rewarding way to support our work.

  • Use our logo on your promotional materials
  • Connect with us to learn about funding priorities that align with your fundraiser
  • Invite a member of our staff to speak about The Gender & Family Project
  • Give away GFP informational materials such as informational brochures and swag items

Contact us to let us know about your benefit, and take advantage of the following resources:


212-879-4900 ext. 156


Please join the movement for Gender Justice. While we have limited volunteer opportunities for individuals to work with our events and community trainings, we are delighted to speak with you about the ways you can make a difference in your community and participate within the GFP community.

If you are interested in volunteering or organizing an event to support GFP, please contact Jane Rennert:
